Matching Gifts

Many companies have programs that will match their employees; charitable contributions. Through corporate gift matching, your employer can multiply the impact of your gift to the Hands for Charity. Companies and foundations use various procedures by which employees can request matching gifts. Conditions and criteria for matching gifts vary by employer. Some employers will also match donations made by spouses, retirees, and board members.

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Start a Program at your Workplace

If your employer does not have a workplace giving program or would like to include the Hands for Charity in your existing program, contact your human resources or Corporate Social Responsibility departments. To nominate or register the foundation to receive matching gifts, please provide the following
contact information: Hands for Charity 103-11649 Gouin W, Montreal Quebec, H8Y 1Y4, Canada Email: [email protected]

Our Mission & Vision

Nous nous engageons à travailler dur pour aider les personnes dans le besoin et nous assurer qu'elles disposent des conditions de vie minimales, notamment : eau potable, éducation, nourriture, abri et soins de santé.

Nous espérons un monde où chaque être humain a accès à toutes les nécessités de la vie de base pour vivre dans la dignité et la sécurité.

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Organisation caritative enregistrée n° 719253122RR0001​