What's Happening

Families are leaving behind everything they once knew, escaping the devastation of war. They are arriving in the North with nothing but the clothes on their backs, facing an uncertain future in overcrowded shelters and temporary accommodations. According to the Council of the South, the number of destroyed buildings has now reached more than 1,700. Over 100,000 people have fled southern Lebanon, seeking refuge by renting in other cities or staying with family and friends in nearby neighborhoods.

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Nous nous engageons à travailler dur pour aider les personnes dans le besoin et nous assurer qu'elles disposent des conditions de vie minimales, notamment : eau potable, éducation, nourriture, abri et soins de santé.


Nous espérons un monde où chaque être humain a accès à toutes les nécessités de la vie de base pour vivre dans la dignité et la sécurité.

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