0 Orphans

Thanks to your generosity, 2,200 orphans have been sponsored! Help us reach even more children around the world for just $70 a month. By extending a helping hand through our orphan sponsorship program, you can make a lasting impact on their lives. Your support will not only provide essential resources but also nurture their dreams, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and build a foundation for a better tomorrow. Together, we can ensure that these children receive the care and opportunities they need to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential, fostering a brighter and more promising future for generations to come.

What Happens after I sponsor an orphan?


We Assign an Orphan to you

After you make your donation—whether monthly ($70) or yearly ($840)—we will assign you an orphan within a month and send you an email with all their details.


On-Going Updates

You will receive ongoing updates about your orphan(s), including how they are doing in school, letters they write to you, and general progress reports on their well-being.

Sponsor An Orphan

Please choose where you would like to sponsor your orphan. We currently have Orphan Sponsorships in Lebanon and Palestine.


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Our Mission & Vision

Nous nous engageons à travailler dur pour aider les personnes dans le besoin et nous assurer qu'elles disposent des conditions de vie minimales, notamment : eau potable, éducation, nourriture, abri et soins de santé.


Nous espérons un monde où chaque être humain a accès à toutes les nécessités de la vie de base pour vivre dans la dignité et la sécurité.

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 © 2024 Mains pour la charité. Tous droits réservés.

Organisation caritative enregistrée n° 719253122RR0001​