Gaza Fundraising Event

Join our fundraising event in Ottawa on Sunday, September 22 at 6 PM at Blu Legacy Convention Centre. Registration is $15 (no food included), but tea and coffee will be provided. speakers Yasser Aboutaha and Ahmed Hussein. Additionally, we are thrilled to present enchand Mustafa Al Azzawi and the Alsalam Band.

Date and time



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Ottawa Fundraiser
Tea and coffee will be provided
$ 15.00

About Hands For Charity

Hands for Charity is a global relief and development organization guided by a deep sense of compassion and a commitment to building stronger communities. We believe that even small changes can create a significant impact, and with your support, we can break the cycle of poverty and create lasting change. Together, we can forge a better future for all.


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 © 2024 Mains pour la charité. Tous droits réservés.

Organisation caritative enregistrée n° 719253122RR0001​