0 Puits d'eau

Thanks to your generosity, we’ve built 110 water wells. Let’s continue our efforts to help people around the world gain access to clean, healthy water. On average, each well serves around 50 families. You will receive a personalized report with photos of the well and beneficiaries. Thousands of children walk miles daily to find water in streams and ponds. Access to safe water restores hope and unlocks potential. With Allah Blessing and your generosity, we completed more than 60 water wells in different communities that will serve more than 18,000 people

What Happens after I donate for a Water Well


We Collect Information

Once you make your one-time donation (not monthly) toward the country of your choice, a member of our team will reach out to gather information and discuss who the well will be dedicated to.


On-Going Updates

You will receive ongoing updates on the progress of the well being built.



Once the well is completed, we will provide you with videos and photos of the finished project

Choose Well Type

This surface well, equipped with a hand pump, has a depth of 60-90 meters, a lifespan of 10-15 years,
and can provide clean water for 300 to 500 people.



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This surface well, equipped with a hand pump, has a depth of 60-90 meters, a lifespan of 15-20 years, and can provide clean water for 300 to 500 people.


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Our Mission & Vision

Nous nous engageons à travailler dur pour aider les personnes dans le besoin et nous assurer qu'elles disposent des conditions de vie minimales, notamment : eau potable, éducation, nourriture, abri et soins de santé.


Nous espérons un monde où chaque être humain a accès à toutes les nécessités de la vie de base pour vivre dans la dignité et la sécurité.